Rosé Gummy Bears

Who doesn’t love a treat? Especially one that’s low-calorie, light and full of … booze!

That’s exactly what these baby bears are all about.

I got the idea for them after attending the Adele concert in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. Almost as exciting as seeing the Queen belt out a 90-minute set, was finding rosé gummy fruit snacks while bellied-up to the bar!

They had rosé snacks, champagne gummy snacks… it was like all my dreams had come true. These were gummy-bear-filled-fun for ADULTS!

I’d already had some success at making fruit snacks for my kids, so mama-bear knew she had it in her to make some delicious treats for HERself! It was time for me to get my gummy-bear game on, but fresh fruit and gelatin, like the kids’ snacks, wasn’t going to cut it.

I turned to my wine rack and grabbed a bottle of rosé, gelatin and raw honey. I took a small saucepan and started out with one cup of rosé and 5 tablespoons of gelatin. I started to melt the honey and rosé, then poured in the gelatin, but not fast enough, and it got all clumpy. I immediately poured it out and started all over.

THIS time I measured out all of my gelatin into a small bowl, but put only 4 tablespoons in. Once the honey melted into the rose, I added the gelatin SLOWLY and whisked the hell outta it.

I grabbed three molds and a small dropper, poured the melted gelatin mixture into a small salad bowl and then doled out the mixture into the molds. I popped the molds into the freezer for 20-30 minutes and before I knew it, my alcoholic treats were ready for a (wine) tasting.

I don’t like things too sweet, so I erred on the side of caution. My first batch had 1 tablespoon of honey. I thought they were good, but could be a little sweeter (although I will continue to use 1 tbsp of honey as I don’t like things too sweet).

The second batch had 2 tablespoons of honey and they turned out really well; gummy, rosé-y and slightly sweet.

Not only do these treats taste like rosé, but they actually have some health benefits.


  • Excellent source of protein, amino acids and collagen (which combats fine lines and wrinkles)
  • Aids bone and joint health w/ anti-inflammatory properties
  • Helps food pass through the digestive tract, aiding in digestion
  • Strengthens hair and nails

Not to mention the health benefits found in raw honey!

  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Built in antioxidants

Who says kids should have all the fun snacks?!

These bad-boys are for all the bad-moms out there who just want to unwind with spirits. No judging!

So, go ahead… TREAT yourself!

Rosé Gummy Bear Ingredients:

1 cup rosé
4 Tbsp gelatin
2 Tbsp raw honey

*1 drop pink food coloring (optional)


  1. Pour 8 ounces of rosé and 2 Tbsp of honey into a small saucepan, melt on low to medium heat on the stove.
  2. Pour 8 ounces of rosé into a wine glass and drink wine glass while you make these treats. (This step is optional, but certainly makes it more fun. 😉
  3. While honey is melting, measure out 4 tablespoons of gelatin into a small bowl.
  4. Once honey has melted, slowly pour in the bowl of gelatin all at once, using a whisk and stirring the *entire time while pouring (this step is KEY or you will get lumps).
  5. Let mixture form a nice glaze on top (takes a few minutes) once a glaze has formed, take saucepan off the stove (pour in one drop of food coloring now and whisk), and pour mixture into a small bowl.
  6. Have gummy bear molds lined up on a tray (this makes it easier to transfer to the freezer).
  7. Use a medicine dropper, turkey baster or a gummy bear dropper to dole out mixture into molds, filling each bear all the way up to the top.
  8. Transfer bears into freezer, let it set up, about 20 minutes.
  9. Serve.

*Yields 163 gummy bears. I used 3 molds for this batch.


*Molds can be found on Amazon.

*You can substitute white wine or champagne for the rosé.

*I have two other recipes where you can use gelatin: Fresh Strawberry Fruit Snacks, Sour Spirulina Gummy Bears.