
It’s so important to nourish your body from the inside because that’s how you transform the outside, hence, my blog tagline “transforming from the inside out.”

When we nourish our bodies internally, it’s seen externally. Positive nutritional choices may not show up immediately, but over time, just like how a butterfly shows no signs of beauty inside a cocoon, eventually/suddenly an alteration takes place and brilliant beauty can be seen by all. True transformations take time … and slow and steady progress … wins the race.

One way to make sure you’re progressing, is to incorporate little things into your daily routine that lead you to better health. Two things you might want to get on your radar are chlorella tablets and activated charcoal.

Chlorella is an algae composed of a balanced ratio of protein (60%), carbs, fat, bio-available minerals and moisture. It contains all essential amino acids and is high in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps balance out the body which, in turn, gives you energy.

One of chlorella’s biggest benefits is its ability to pull out heavy metal toxins from the body. Metals creep into our system from all sorts of things, from products we put on our skin, to the foods we eat. If you eat fish, then you know of the warnings of mercury, along with lead and cadmium. Chlorella helps bind to unwanted metals and toxins found in the digestive track and eliminates them.

Chlorella is also very high in minerals. Micronutrients; which play a role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases and conditions, and macronutrients; which supply us with energy.

I’ll take 5-10 at a time, 3x a day. You chew them up and drink them with a glass of water. It helps clean out your system, leaving you feeling light and energized. I’ll eat them as a snack during the day. It’s also a great thing to eat after a workout, or when fresh greens aren’t available.

The other thing I’ve been incorporating lately is activated charcoal. It’s showing up in everything from skin products to beverages.

A Pressed Juicery just opened up near my house and I could not be more excited. I’m a big fan of their three and five-day cleanses. Lately, I’ve been stopping in once a week to load up on juice along with this charcoal drink. I love it because there are no additives or cane sugar and it’s a totally natural drink. It has a nice lemony flavor with a hint of lavender and sweetness. Really good taste!

Charcoal is well known in the medical community and is used for treating poisonings and drug overdoses. It basically binds up drugs or poisons in the stomach.

Now we’re seeing many activated charcoal claims, based on what it does medically, that it’s an excellent “detoxifier” for beauty. Some research suggests that activated charcoal will trap toxins and chemicals in the body and flush them out, which is ideal for the skin.

Some other beauty benefits/claims I found:

  • Whitens teeth (except if you have crowns, caps or veneers it could reportedly stain them)
  • Helps alleviate gas and bloating
  • Improves skin by drawing out impurities in the pores

Now… there is a lot of information out on activated charcoal, some positive some negative. This is simply a brief overview.

Some of the negative chatter is that it does absolutely nothing for beauty and that the claims are unfounded and just a lot of hype. There are also risks involved (just like with most supplements) so, it’s important to do research based on personal consumption.

On the flipside, the people and agencies I have found who endorse it for beauty purposes, seem to believe it works wonders and is an important element to incorporate into your life.

Personally, I feel activated charcoal works. I feel great after I drink it, so even if it’s all in my mind, it makes me feel like I’m doing something positive for my health. Chlorella has done wonders for me and my husband for years now, so I know it has a host of health benefits that can be seen and felt.

The bottom line … our bodies react differently to different things, so the best thing to do is test it out for yourself, or talk to your doc, and see what might be a good, personal fit.

Chlorella and activated charcoal….consider it!

*You can find chlorella on or Activated charcoal can be found in pill form or in drinks. Contact your local juicery or health foods store to see if they carry any charcoal drinks where you live!